Musselman Greenhouses
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Foliage & Seasonal Plants

It’s National Indoor Plant Week!

– Posted in: Seasonal Color

Foliage plants are back like it’s 1970 something!  While bell bottoms and 8-track tapes have been replaced with skinny jeans and smartphones, indoor houseplants are making a comeback.  Look around and you will see live indoor plants with a modern twist appearing in homes, offices, and businesses across our nation.

Across the United States, National Indoor Plant week is celebrated the third week in September.   It’s a week to increase public awareness of the importance indoor plants.  Indoor foliage plants are the perfect indoor air cleaner.  They create oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. Real life office studies show a reduction in fatigue, headaches, and coughs in offices where foliage plants are present.  These studies also show stress levels decrease while moral and productivity increase when foliage plants are present in the workplace.

The Snake Plant , a natural clean air machine.

The workplace is not the only environment where indoor plants have a positive effect on one’s health.  Social media platforms are touting lavender, Aloe Vera, snake plant, English ivy, and jasmine as wonders of nature that will help insomnia when placed in your bedroom.  While we can’t promise putting a live plant in your bedroom will help you achieve eight hours of sleep, we’re pretty sure you’ll reap other important benefits from your plant.   Live indoor plants create a relaxing environment, lower stress levels, and relieve anxiety leading to a better night’s sleep.

Better sleep, lower stress, and cleaner air are just some of the many reasons to fill your home, workplace, and office with indoor foliage plants.  Once you have decided to create an indoor tropical paradise, it’s time to select to correct plants for your indoor environment.  While all plants need light, water, proper temperature, and nutrients to grow, each plant species has specific requirements that will help it to thrive indoors.

Visit a reputable greenhouse, garden center, flower shop, or farm market for advice on what specific plants will thrive in your indoor environment.   A knowledgeable plant person should ask you questions about the light levels your plant will be placed in.  It is also important to ask yourself how much care you would like to give your indoor plants.  Some indoor foliage plants are definitely easier than others!

Spathiphyllum, aka the Peace Lily, is a beautiful indoor plant.

Easy or challenging, indoor foliage plants are a great way improve indoor air quality, physical health, and mental well-being.   National Indoor Plant Week is the perfect time to celebrate the many benefits of indoor foliage plants.   Be sure to bring home one of these indoor wonders soon!



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